A Memorial Day Test

Coincidence? I think not. Today, we have news of a North Korean nuke test and word that Iranian psycho Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wants to debate President Obama at the U.N. That’s right, on Memorial Day in America, the day that we honor fallen veterans for their sacrifice to keep America free, the two remaining members of the Axis of Evil (we still use that term at Jim-Rose.com) fire shots across the bow of the S.S. Messiah.

Here’s the difference between us on the right and pseudo-right vs. those on the left…we want Obama to pass this test. We want him to rise to the occasion because his failure against the Axis of Evil would not be his alone, but the safety of our nation. This is different from Rush Limbaugh’s “hope he fails” treatise. Rush’s example involves Obama succeeding in what he has set out to do…destroy the economy, and cut America down to size on the national stage. In that sense, we want him to fail, but in a perfect world, Obama would see the error of his ways and start off by standing up to the world’s thugs.

I’m not optimistic, but for my country, I have to hope that it can happen.

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