Truth In Comedy On Display In India

Reading stories like this to me makes life worth living. Nothing is funnier than the true ignorance of real people. Nothing made up by a group of writers in a Hollywood studio can compare. Case in point:

The owner of an Indian clothing store said Wednesday that he would only change its name from “Hitler” if he was compensated for re-branding costs, amid a growing row over the new shop.


Shah insisted that until the store opened he did not know who Adolf Hitler was and that Hitler was a nickname given to the grandfather of his store partner because “he was very strict”.
“I didn’t know how much the name would disturb people,” he told AFP by telephone from Ahmedabad. “It was only when the store opened I learnt Hitler had killed six million people.”
My sides!
The row evoked memories of a controversy six years ago when a Mumbai restaurant owner called his cafe “Hitler’s Cross” and put a swastika on the hoarding, claiming Hitler was a “catchy” name.
Seriously, I can’t breath.
And that is what we call “truth in comedy.”

The One World Government Museum

You ever read a story that makes you laugh out loud and then when your laughter subsides you realize there’s nothing funny whatsoever about the situation? That’s what this story did to me. From the Daily Mail, news that the EU is going to open a European history museum, but they apparently have Winston Smith hard at work on rewrites: (Hat tip: NRO)

The European Union (our real ruler) is opening a £44m museum that will be a House of European History. This vanity project in and of itself is an offensive waste of money as governments and peoples tighten belts across Europe.

But what I found most offensive of all is that World War II is to be described as “the European Civil War”.

That’s right: a European Civil War that saws millions fight and die in theatres around the world in places as diverse as Tobruk, Pearl Harbour and the Burma Railway.

This is really a case of the EU showing us its cards. It’s about creating a one-world government, a goal shared by Hitler. Now that comparison is a bit over the top but can anyone still make an intellectual argument that the mission of the EU isn’t to end the sovereignty of the European states?

Many on the loony left took George Bush 41’s statement about a “New World Order” and saw a conspiracy of the Masons, Bilderbergs, et al to create a one-world government which in that particular case they saw as bad, yet a few years later you had the Clinton Administration with foreign policy wonks such a Strobe Talbott who said “All countries are basically social arrangements, accommodations to changing circumstances . . . they are all artificial and temporary.”

So how can the most powerful nation on earth get in on this one-world creamy goodness? Why we have to be brought down to the rest of the world’s level. Anyone see that happening lately?

Yet Another Classic Hitler ‘Downfall’ Parody

One of the great guilty pleasures on the Internet is the use of a movie clip to parody many aspect of pop culture. The clip in question is from the movie Der Untergang (or “Downfall”), a German film about Hitler in the bunker and shows a scene where he is being told the war is lost (though Harry Reid doesn’t seem to be there). Many have used the clip of the movie but put in their own subtitles to parody everything from Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to Brett Favre and the Swine Flu. The latest deals with the Democrat’s election losses on Tuesday night and it doesn’t disappoint. I hope to make my own someday soon.

Story Of The Day: Hitler Called Chamberlain An "Arschloch"

It never ceases to amaze me how much Adolph Hitler, perhaps the worst person that ever lived, can teach us. He’s like the horrible gift that keeps on giving….like that cuckoo clock I once got as a wedding gift (which turned out to be rather poignant considering I’m not married anymore).

Today we learn from the British archives that MI5 tried to use some of Hitler’s saucy descriptions of Chamberlain to convince the weak Prime Minister to reconsider appeasement:

The file claimed that Hitler was “convinced that Great Britain is ‘decadent’ and lacks the will power to defend the British Empire” and added: “If the information in the [report] which has proved generally reliable in the past, is to be believed, Germany is at the beginning of a ‘Napoleonic era’ and her rulers contemplate a great extension of German power.”

At the suggestion of one officer they included samples of Hitler’s insulting references to Chamberlain which was said to have had “a considerable impression on the Prime Minister.”

Lord Halifax, the Foreign Secretary, underlined three times in red pencil Hitler’s reported description of Chamberlain as an “arschloch” before handing it on to the Prime Minister.

Hitler was also said to have mocked Chamberlain’s trademark umbrella, according to the report, which said he was “very fond of making jokes about the ‘umbrella pacifism’ of the once so imposing British world empire.”

Professor Christopher Andrew, the author of the book, said the report, delivered in November 1938, was “unprecedented” because it represented the “first, albeit implicit, indictment of government foreign policy by a British intelligence agency.”

In the end it had no effect, and Chamberlain and Halifax still believed Nazi Germany would stand by the agreement they had made in Munich even as they occupied Prague the following March.

This is so rich and delicious, I can’t finish it all. I hate to play the “Captain Obvious” card, but does anyone see, oh, I don’t know, some simliarities to current world events?

And my new favorite word is now “arschloch.” Expect to see it on this webpage ad nauseum.

HEH! British Paper Claims Ahmadinejad Really Jewish

As they say at Hot Air, “too good to check.” Could be true, or it could be something from the Mossad’s bag of tricks. Either way, gave me a huge laugh when I heard it this morning and I hope the story has some serious legs and this guy is driven even further into madness.

Kind of like someone else we know who may or may not have had a similar issue…

Hitler’s Skull Competes For Attention With Hitler’s Ball

Adolph Hitler said he would lead a thousand-year Reich. Well, didn’t happen, but he very well might lead the thousand-year conspiracy.

There’s been recently speculation over whether the Nazi dictator lost one testicle in WWI which led to his madness. Before that there has always been speculation that his might have actually escaped the bunker in the final Berlin Blitz. As it was the Russians that got there first, it’s safe to say that accurate information on those final days is at a premium.

Well, now we have word that the skull fragment with the bullet hole that has been in Russian archives since the end of WWII has now been proven to be that of a woman. So, either Hitler got away, or alternate theory, he was really a woman and that drove his madness.

HARTFORD, Conn. – A piece of skull with a bullet hole through it that Russian officials claimed belonged to Adolf Hitler actually came from a woman, scientists at the University of Connecticut concluded.

The cranium fragment is part of a collection of Hitler artifacts preserved by Soviet intelligence in the months after Hitler and Eva Braun reportedly committed suicide in a Berlin bunker in April 1945.

The collection, now housed in the Russian State Archive in Moscow, also includes bloodstained pieces of the sofa where Hitler reportedly shot himself after taking a cyanide pill. The artifacts were put on public display in 2000.

The cold-water that people seem to forget to splash on their face is that Hitler was near death in late April of 1945 anyway. Even if he got away, he couldn’t have lived more than a few months at best. However, I wouldn’t be blogging about it if I didn’t find it interesting. It would be nice to know for absolute certainty how he met his end. Unfortunately, it was not at the hands of justice.